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Texas State Campus Rec Marketing Team

Texas State Campus Recreation has its own marketing department. Every job in the marketing department, except for the director, is filled by a student. At the Texas State Campus Rec, there are six different jobs in the marketing department. The six different jobs are graphic designers, videographers/photographers, promotional assistants, marketing assistant, production manager, and marketing department head. Each job is unique and important in its own way. In this blog I want to highlight each job of the marketing of the campus rec and how they work together.

Graphic Designers

There are four different graphic designers. Each graphic designer has a different project to do every week. The project these students receive are usually posters, table toppers, and infographics. You might have seen their work around campus before. The graphic designers usually make posters and table toppers about special dates for the different programs at the rec and are hung around campus. The infographics are usually posters with important information about the rec. The graphic designer communicates with each program director and makes sure the project has the correct information. This helps get information out to the student body in a creative and positive way.


Right now there is only one videographer/photographer. This student takes pictures and videos to use on all social media, and for posters. The videographer makes informational videos about the different programs and the rec uses them to inform the student body what all the different programs offer. This gives the student body a better understanding of what's happening at the rec and how many people come and what it looks like. This is a more personal level of marketing because it makes people feel more included and they can see if others go to the events that they're interested in going to.

Promotional Assistants

There are two promotional assistants. Their job is to keep track of all the social media accounts. They post on all sources of social media every day and inform the student body about events and special hours the rec is having during the school year. They are also in charge of having the recs table on the quad and during special events on campus. This has recently become important due to the huge impact social media has on our every day lives. This is a way to communicate information quickly and publicly.

Marketing Assistant

There is only one marketing assistant. The job of the marketing assistant is to make sure that everyone’s projects are getting done in a timely manner. Once they know the most updated information, they inform the director of marketing everything that has been done. They also give different marketing ideas when the rec has special events going on. This is a behind the scenes job, but it is also important to help with communication and to keep fresh ideas.

Production Manager

Right now, there is only one production manager. The production manager makes sure that the promotional assistants post everyday and that they post material that is informational but also enjoyable. They also plan when to go to the rec and plan certain promotional events. The production manager also plans when and where the rec will be marketing. They also give fresh and new ideas for marketing. This is another behind the scenes job, but its is very important because the production manager helps the marketing team run smooth.

Director of Marketing

The director of marketing is the person who watches over all products and make sure that the communication between the program directors and the marketing team is done well and is helpful for both programs and the marketing team. They also assists with marketing strategies and when the rec goes to the quad. They make sure that everything gets done and that the rec is getting its name out there in a healthy and positive way.

This team may seem small, but it is very important for the rec. With the marketing team at the rec, it helps the student body stay informed in a creative way. This also gives students experience in a field they want in a career.

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