Dressing for Success
Business includes of a lot of different areas of studies- Accounting, Finance, Management, Computer Information Systems, Sales, and of course, Marketing. But even with a college degree and a wise mind, you still need to present yourself well. Dressing for success is key to future employers because it shows a sign of respect. It is important to market yourself in a presentable way.
In college, it’s easy to go to class in yoga pants and a tee shirt, but when it comes to getting a professional job, this won’t pass. Even when you start taking upper-level classes in the business school, you have to dress nice at least once a week for presentations and guest speakers. So, let’s talk about the main items of clothing you will need to have and keep in your closet as a woman.
To get the look of “business professional”, every woman should own the following pieces of clothing:
A black pencil skirt, at knee length and not too short
A white blouse- button up or regular is fine
A black blazer
A cute/comfortable pair of black heels (keep it under 3 inches)
This outfit makes up the typical “business professional” outfit. It’s a little old-fashioned, but you will use it through your college career for presentations, and even in your future career when meeting with important clients, no matter what your major is. Along with this, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to buy panty hose, and it's also a good idea to have a solid pair of cute flats for the days you will be on your feet a lot.
Now, as important as it is to dress “business professional”, a lot of meetings or classes will call for you to dress “business casual”. For the most part, this will be your everyday wear when you get out into the real world. You can do this in a lot of ways, but I recommend the following pieces of clothing to keep as basics in your closet:
A pair of professional black pants, straight-legged or flared
A button up shirt
A nice blouse
A business dress
Small accessories- stud earrings, a small necklace, and a watch
If you stock up your closet with these items now, you are going to be set for interviews/class presentations throughout college.
Every man should own the following for business professional:
A black suit
A white button up shirt
A basic-colored tie like navy, red, and black
Nice dress shoes
To dress business casual as a man, just skip wearing the suit jacket and throw on a sports coat and no tie!
It’s that simple! Additionally, it is nice to own a light blue button up shirt as well, and if you have a watch, that’s preferable too. Lastly, don’t forget the belt and the socks. It’s basic but it’s a great way to present yourself. In the future, men are going to want to purchase other colored suits, but the traditional black suit is a great place to start.
Other than dress, it is important to keep good hygiene and keep your hair looking nice. Women, it’s okay to have your hair pulled back, but make it look nice. Makeup is preferable too, but don’t over-do it with the crazy colors; keep your look fresh and natural. And as for men, keep your hair and beard trimmed and looking nice. It’s probably a good idea to have a clean cut for an interview.
I know clothing can be expensive, so if you cannot afford some of this stuff right away, most universities like Texas State have a resources available to you like a career closet. You can rent out suits for free if you have a big presentation or interview coming up. Other than that, some great places to buy clothing are JCPenny, Banana Republic, Macy’s, and Men’s Warehouse. There are many more places you can go but these can be nice places to start if you are completely lost.
So, why is dressing nicely really so important? Marketing yourself is so powerful when interacting with other people. First impressions start with the way you look, and you always want to nail that first impression.
Check out some of the AMA officers at the 2018 Regional Conference! They’re dressed for success, and you can be too!