Texas State Campus Rec Marketing Team
Texas State Campus Recreation has its own marketing department. Every job in the marketing department, except for the director, is filled...

Marketing Body Positivity
Among the fashion and beauty industries, body positivity has soared within the past few years. Actually, is has become a movement in...

Chanel's Marketing Via Instagram
Instagram has become one of the most popular social media outlets in the world. 90 million people check their Instagram once a month, and...

Dressing for Success
Business includes of a lot of different areas of studies- Accounting, Finance, Management, Computer Information Systems, Sales, and of...

Mazda, the SXSW Marketing Dream Team
South by Southwest is a big marketing magnet festival in Austin, Texas. Marketers like Mazda, use creativity and interactive ways of...

How Lady Gaga Solidified Her Role In the Entertainment Industry as a Marketing Mogul
From synth pop to sultry ballads, she’s made her rounds in almost every genre and has marketed her way to legend icon status. Lady Gaga’s...