The Top 10 Apps Every College Student Should Have On Their Phone
If you're heading off to college or already in college and looking to add some new apps to help better your life as a student, you need to download these 10 apps today!

Your College's App
You need to download your school's app ASAP! It can give you easy access to your school email, a list of your courses, the bus routes, campus jobs, and school events.

Transferring money to your friends has never been easier. This app is great if you need to pay people in advance or pay them back for whatever reason!

Google Drive
Having this app on your phone will save your life when it comes to group projects or finishing your final exam paper on the bus before you get to campus to turn it in.

This app is great for group projects, any of your classes, or just an exclusive group text with your friends. You can figure out when to meet with groups and share notes with classmates.

This app will be your go to for studying. Make some flashcards or search through ones other people have made to study for your quizzes and exams.

Looking to get ahead in the real world? Create a LinkedIn profile and get this app to stay connected and communicate with future employers on the go!

This app will help you stay stress free through college. Take a break to relax and breathe with this app. It offers many different meditations, music, and scenes to help you stay calm and collected.

Keep track of the food you're eating, the amount of water you're drinking, and how much exercise you're getting throughout the day to stay healthy.

This app is the best for note taking and making to-do lists. It also syncs everything between your phone, tablet, and computer.

Find the best deals on food and drinks near you! There are so many different deals that are always changing day-to-day on this app and if you're lucky, you'll find some freebies!